Betony's Beautious Book Blog

Friday, September 30, 2005


Hello everyone. So I have kind of dropped the ball on this book in terms of discussion etc. However, I have been really really loving the words of this man. Velvet Elvis explains the way I want my religion to be. I would let anyone read this book. It is so refreshing. But, like I said, I have been dropping the ball. I forgot to send invitations to the "Elvis Party!". So here it is. You all are invited to an elvis party tomorrow (saturday the 1st) at my house. Bring either a side dish, a dessert, or something to drink. I will have peanut butter and bacon sandwiches for you all. :) Come over about 7. Maybe we will watch jailhouse rock or something too (feel free to dress as your best elvis!). Even if you haven't read the book, come over anyway, it will be a good time for us all to hang out and catch up. Love you guys,

Friday, September 09, 2005

Jeff's take on ch. 1-3

What I found most helpful in the first three chapters was the discussion of theology as a spring: something that bends and twists, yet is quite solid, and can hold a lot of weight. The image of the trampoline (and the picture of child-like joy associated with the spring) is lush.

What I didn’t buy was his take on ‘binding and loosing.’ Rob hits a common problem for postmodernity here: if I accept what he says, I can easily reject what he says. If I accept that I can bind and loose what I choose in the scriptures, then certainly I can bind or loose the concept of binding and loosing. Its like using language to say that language is fully subjective. At some point there must be stability or else you can’t say anything.

Do we have different perspectives: of course. Do we have to inturpret stuff: yeah. But make sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot when you proclaim it.


Painting: 'Child's Prayer' by Cornelis Monsma

Sunday, September 04, 2005

At last....

Sorry guys. For some reason it has taken me a while to get started on this one. School and coaching cheerleading (ahhhh) have been taking up a lot of time. So anyhow, I had Tim make up a schedule of chapters/questions to discuss on this blog. Has everyone found a copy? Love you guys, bet


Sept. 1-10 Movements 1-3
Questions: "Where do you agree?" "Where do you disagree?" "What was a cool point that stuck out for you?"

Sept. 11-24 Movements 4-6
Questions: "Where do you agree?" "Where do you disagree?" "What was a cool point that stuck out for you?"

Sept. 25-30 Movements 7/epilogue
Questions: "Where do you agree?" "Where do you disagree?" "What was a cool point that stuck out for you?"
"Which chapter of the book was the most powerful for you?" "In what ways do you feel Bell is repainting the Christian faith?"

Oct. 1 Party! (Elvis Themed)
-Bring a ridiculously outdated painting

P.S. - I did notice that amazon has an audio version of the book...