Well, Heather and I have decided to start up the book club again for the summer! Yeah! The hope is to read three books, and have three themed parties! We decided that the summer books should be light, fun, fast reads. So, we are going to go back to the old list for the first book, and read Lee's choice - Three by Ted Dekker. It sounds intense! I am sure it will be a great. The first party will be July 6th - try to read the book before the party. Anyway, for details about the book, questions, etc e-mail me. Also, if you are interested in participating, please respond to this e-mail. Thanks,
P.S. if you have suggestions for the next two books, let me know

About Book #1:
From Publishers Weekly
Dekker delivers another page-turner with this psychological thriller about Kevin Parson, a 28-year-old seminary student who suddenly becomes the target of an evil nemesis called Slater. Obsessed both with Kevin's downfall and the number 3, Slater initiates a game in which Kevin must answer riddles to avoid Slater's destructive, potentially murderous retribution. Slater particularly wants Kevin to publicly confess a secret sin, and Kevin is at a loss as to what that sin might be. Once Dekker establishes this premise, he masterfully takes readers on a ride full of plot twists and turns. Not only does he spin a compelling tale of cat and mouse, but he also creates a narrative world in which it's possible that no one is quite who he or she seems. Dekker gradually discloses his protagonist's nightmarish childhood and delivers an almost perfect blend of suspense, mystery and horror.
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